Posts tagged as:

steel production

Could the steel industry recession be over?

July 1, 2009

Well it might be – technically. Plenty of people seem to want to say it is in the broader economy. On June 10th the UK’s Guardian newspaper reported the UK recession as being over. Then a week later Liz Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab said the US recession is over. There have been […]

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World crude steel production rises 7.4% in May

June 19, 2009

Worldsteel published its world crude steel production report today showing a 21% year on year decline in production through May, but a 7.4% bounce sequentially from April. Of particular note is the vigor of Chinese production which at 46.4MT is just a shade lower than the record production of 46.9MT in June last year. Follow […]

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China results for May: crude production up 7% and apparent consumption highest ever

June 16, 2009

Chinese crude steel production climbed 7% from 43.4 million metric tonnes in April to 46.5 million tonnes in May. Net finished steel exports remained negative as finished exports declined from 1.41 million tonnes to 1.35 million tonnes and finished imports grew from 1.62 million tonnes to 1.65 million tonnes. As a result, apparent finished steel […]

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World crude steel production slips 3% in April

May 21, 2009

The World Steel Association published the latest global crude steel production data yesterday. It’s now in the Nerds crude steel production spreadsheet below. The data (which as mentioned previously) are often significantly revised in later bulletins show a 3% decline month to month from March to April and 24% decline year on year 2008 to […]

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China results for April: crude production down 4% and finished steel exports down 16%

May 15, 2009

Chinese crude steel production dropped 4% from 45.1 million metric tonnes in March to 43.4 million tonnes in April. Finished steel exports continued their decline from 1.67 million tonnes in March to 1.41 million tonnes in April, a 16% drop. Finished steel imports rose to 1.62 million tonnes, resulting in net finished imports of 210,000 […]

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World Steel Production for March, 2009 & Short Term Demand Forecast

April 27, 2009

The World Steel Association recently published two important sets of data. The first, published about a week ago are the latest figures for crude steel production by country through March of 2009. You can see and use that data in the Nerds spreadsheet below. In aggregate it shows an 8.3% improvement in global output March […]

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