November 18, 2012
Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 22% from 198,000 short tons in September to 241,000 tons in October. In comparison, October long products imports in 2011 were 149,000 tons, in 2010 179,000 tons, in 2009 210,000 tons, and in 2008 211,000 tons. An increase in rebar and parallel flange sections drove […]
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August 22, 2012
Worldsteel published July’s global crude steel production on August 21st. World crude production was 129.7 million tonnes, 1.8% higher than in July 2011 for the 62 countries reporting. But the theme of continuing global drift is maintained. Average daily production declined by 1.6% between June and July. China’s production rose from 60.2 million tonnes in […]
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