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Long Products

US long products imports remain low in September

October 17, 2008

US long products import licenses stayed low at 207,000 short tons in September, compared to August actual imports of 232,000 tons.  Licenses granted up to October 15th indicate that rebar imports in October will decline significantly compared to typical monthly levels (16,000 tons of rebar licenses to October 15th compared to 83,000 tons of actual […]

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Revised US imports of wire rod in July

September 25, 2008

July wire rod imports reported in our earlier post have been revised to 94,000 tons. The earlier figure was incorrect because it did not account for a change in wire rod import codes put into effect in July. See the updated spreadsheet below.  

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US long products imports drop marginally in August

September 17, 2008

US long products imports licenses dropped to 207,000 short tons in August compared to July actuals of 212,000 tons. This is due mainly to lower licenses for importers of rebar (where licenses reached 69,000 tons in August compared to July actuals of 97,000 tons) and wire rod (62,000 tons licenses in August compared to 87,000 […]

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US long products imports stay flat in July

August 19, 2008

US long products imports remained low at about 270,000 short tons in July, as reported by SIMA import licenses. May and June imports were similarly low (242,000 tons and 269,000 tons respectively) compared to peak 2008 levels of 440,000 tons in April. The April peak was due to rebar and wire rod imports that were […]

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May US long products imports decline heavily from April levels

June 23, 2008

US long products import licenses declined from a peak of 462,000 short tons in April to 238,000 short tons in May. About 65% of this decline is due to Turkey, which did not apply for any rebar or wire rod import licenses in May (nor did it in March). In comparison, Turkey’s rebar licenses were […]

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US long products import licenses at highest levels since July 2007

May 15, 2008

Licenses for long products imports into the US increased from 257,000 short tons in March to 462,000 short tons in April, reaching their highest levels since July 2007. Rebar licenses increased from 77,000 tons in March to 189,000 tons in April, mainly due to Turkey, which didn’t apply for any licenses in March but applied […]

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