November 22, 2013
US long products imports for September were 255,000 short tons, only 1% higher than my estimate based on import licenses reported October 24th. It is more difficult to make an estimate of October imports based on import licenses because the figures reported by SIMA appear to be have been affected by the US government shutdown […]
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September 20, 2013
Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 12% from 213,000 short tons in July to 238,000 tons in August. In comparison, August long products imports in 2012 were 197,000 tons, in 2011 190,000 tons, in 2010 249,000 tons, in 2009 125,000 tons, in 2008 232,000 tons, and finally in 2007 347,000 tons. […]
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