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Long Products

US long products imports rise 16% in April

May 20, 2014

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 16% from 410,000 short tons in March to 449,000 tons in April. January-to-April imports in 2014 rose 63% compared to the same period last year. Imports from all product categories except rebar increased. Wire rod imports drove the overall climb and were mainly due to […]

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US long products imports fall 31% in February

March 25, 2014

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports fell 31% from 437,000 short tons in January to 300,000 tons in February. The drop was mainly due to a sharp fall in rebar licenses, mainly from Turkey, but also from Spain. Wire rod licenses also contributed to the drop, particularly due to lower volume from […]

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US long products imports fall 34% in December

January 21, 2014

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports dropped 34% from 232,000 short tons in November to 153,000 tons in December. In addition, December 2013 long products imports were 5% lower than December imports in 2012. Annual 2013 long products imports were 1% higher than in 2012. The November-to-December drop was mainly due to […]

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US long products imports rise 11% in November

December 19, 2013

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 11% from 207,000 short tons in October to 229,000 tons in November. November long products imports in 2013 were 3% higher than 2012 levels and year-to-November 2013 imports were 1% higher than year-to-November 2012 imports. Imports of parallel flange sections, light shapes, structural angles & […]

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US September long products imports 255,000 tons, October licenses incomplete

November 22, 2013

US long products imports for September were 255,000 short tons, only 1% higher than my estimate based on import licenses reported October 24th. It is more difficult to make an estimate of October imports based on import licenses because the figures reported by SIMA appear to be have been affected by the US government shutdown […]

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US long products imports rise 12% in August

September 20, 2013

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 12% from 213,000 short tons in July to 238,000 tons in August. In comparison, August long products imports in 2012 were 197,000 tons, in 2011 190,000 tons, in 2010 249,000 tons, in 2009 125,000 tons, in 2008 232,000 tons, and finally in 2007 347,000 tons. […]

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