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Long Products

Another captivating chart from the Steel Data Room

May 14, 2018

Fantastic charts explain a lot, even using familiar data. This one shows US steel trade, imports & exports, by product using Worldsteel data. Find out more about the Steel Data Room, where charts are automatically updated as soon as new data is published.

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US long steel products imports rise 45% following rebar hike

April 17, 2018

Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports rose 45% from 266,000 short tons in February to 387,000 tons in March. The steep climb between February and March 2018 was due to higher rebar imports from Turkey (and bearing in mind the longer March month). Long products imports in the first quarter of 2018 […]

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US long steel products imports fall 5% in February

March 19, 2018

Based on reported import licenses, US long steel products imports fell 5% from 265,000 short tons in January to 252,000 tons in February. The decline was mainly due to lower rebar imports from Turkey. February longs imports fell 36% compared to February 2017, again primarily due to lower rebar imports from Turkey. SIMA US long […]

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US long steel products imports rise 27% in January

February 21, 2018

Based on reported imports licenses, US long steel products imports rose 27% from 239,000 short tons in December to 303,000 tons in January. The increase between December and January was mainly due to higher rebar imports from Turkey. January 2018 longs imports were 33% lower than in January 2017, however, with the difference mainly due […]

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US long steel products imports rise 4% in December

January 19, 2018

Based on reported import licenses, US long steel products imports rose 4% from 233,000 short tons in November to 241,000 tons in December. The increase between November and December was mainly due to higher parallel flange sections imports which rose from unusually low levels in November from countries including South Korea. Long products imports for […]

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US long steel products imports drop 28% in November

December 19, 2017

Based on reported import licenses, US long steel products imports fell 28% from 322,000 short tons in October to 233,000 tons in November. The month-on-month decline was due to lower wire rod, rebar, and parallel flange sections imports. Wire rod imports fell from countries including Egypt and Vietnam, while rebar imports fell significantly from Turkey […]

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