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US Long Products Imports Decline in November

December 17, 2008

US long products import licenses declined 19% to 172,000 short tons in November compared to October actuals of 211,000 tons.  License volumes declined for all products except Parallel Flange Shapes and All Other Structural Sections.  High December licenses recorded up to the 16th of the month for Parallel Flange Shapes (21,000 tons) due to applications […]

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China results for Oct: crude production down 9%, finished up 19%

December 8, 2008

Crude steel production in China dropped 9% between September and October, falling to 35.9 million metric tonnes. However, finished steel production increased 19% in October to 42.9 million tonnes from 36.0 million tonnes in September. This is the highest Chinese monthly finished production level ever recorded, bringing it above the peak June 2008 level of […]

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US long products imports show small rise

November 19, 2008

US long products imports licenses grew marginally to 241,000 short tons in October from 233,000 tons of actual imports in September. As predicted in an earlier post, rebar licenses declined (to 37,000 tons from 58,000 September actuals) and wire rod licenses increased (to 143,000 tons from 97,000 September actuals). China accounted for a big portion […]

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China results for Sept: crude production drops 7%

November 5, 2008

Crude steel production in China dropped 7% between August and September, falling to 39.61 million metric tonnes. This is the lowest crude production level since the June peak of 46.94mt. Net exports dropped from 6.35mt to 5.39mt in September due to a 1mt decline in exports.  

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US long products imports remain low in September

October 17, 2008

US long products import licenses stayed low at 207,000 short tons in September, compared to August actual imports of 232,000 tons.  Licenses granted up to October 15th indicate that rebar imports in October will decline significantly compared to typical monthly levels (16,000 tons of rebar licenses to October 15th compared to 83,000 tons of actual […]

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Revised US imports of wire rod in July

September 25, 2008

July wire rod imports reported in our earlier post have been revised to 94,000 tons. The earlier figure was incorrect because it did not account for a change in wire rod import codes put into effect in July. See the updated spreadsheet below.  

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