May 30, 2013
China crude steel production was 65.7 million metric tonnes in April, 8.4% higher than in April 2013. Year-to-April production was 257 million tonnes, 10% higher than year-to-April production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, April production was 0.6 million tonnes lower than March production, but due to the shorter April month, average daily production in April […]
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May 19, 2013
Based on reported import licenses, US long products imports fell 37% from 310,000 short tons in March to 196,000 tons in April. In comparison, April long products imports in 2012 were 329,000 tons, in 2011 241,000 tons, in 2010 273,000 tons, in 2009 97,000 tons, in 2008 440,000 tons, and in 2007 309,000 tons. After […]
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