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US long products imports flat in July

August 18, 2013

Based on reported import licenses (and after last month’s 34% drop), US long products imports were essentially flat, dropping by less than 0.5% to 238,000 short tons between June and July. In comparison, July long products imports were 166,000 tons in 2012, 180,000 tons in 2011, 232,000 tons in 2010, 104,000 tons in 2009, 270,000 […]

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US flat products imports up 5% in July

August 8, 2013

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 5% from 607,000 short tons in June to 636,000 tons in July. July flat products imports in 2012 were 798,000 tons, in 2011 830,000 tons, in 2010 600,000 tons, and in 2009 291,000 tons. The change was due to higher hot rolled imports of almost […]

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China crude production 64.7 million tonnes in June

July 30, 2013

China crude steel production was 64.7 million metric tonnes in June, 7% higher than in June 2012. Year-to-June production was 389.1 million tonnes, 9% higher than year-to-June production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, June production was 3.5% lower than May production, but due to the shorter month of June, average daily production in June was […]

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US long products imports down 34% in June

July 22, 2013

Based on reported import licenses (and after a 75% increase in May), US long products imports dropped 34% from 340,000 short tons to 222,000 tons in June. In comparison, June long products imports were 216,000 tons in 2012, 267,000 tons in 2011, 220,000 in 2010, 105,000 tons in 2009, 269,000 tons in 2008 and 496,000 […]

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US flat products imports increase 2% in June

July 7, 2013

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 2% from 623,000 short tons in May to 632,000 tons in June. June flat products imports in 2012 were 708,000 tons, in 2011 734,000 tons, in 2010 526,000 tons, and in 2009 252,000 tons. The rise was mainly the result of hot rolled imports increasing […]

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China crude production 67.0 million tonnes in May

June 25, 2013

China crude steel production was 67.0 million tonnes in May, 9.5% higher than in May 2012. Year-to-May production was 324.4 million tonnes, 9.6% higher than year-to-May production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, May production was 2.1% higher than April production, but due to the longer May month, average daily production in May was 1.2% lower. […]

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