May 8, 2014
Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 1% from 1,001,000 short tons in March to 1,010,000 tons in April. April flat products imports were 737,000 tons in 2013 and 914,000 tons in 2012. In addition, January-to-April 2014 flat products imports were 2,728,000 tons, 43% higher than January-to-April imports in 2013. Though licenses […]
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May 2, 2014
China crude steel production was 70.3 million metric tonnes in March, 6.0% higher than in March 2013 and the highest monthly output ever recorded. China’s year-to-March crude production was 4.9% higher in 2014 than it was in 2013. In addition, production rose 13% compared to February 2014 but due to the shorter month of February, […]
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