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US long products import licenses in May decline 29% on last year

June 20, 2019

Based on reported import licenses, US long steel products imports fell 29% from 432,000 short tons in May 2018 to 307,000 tons in May 2019. The decline was mainly due to lower wire rod and rebar imports. Parallel flange sections are the only product category showing higher import licenses this May compared to last year’s […]

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US flat steel products imports fall 19% in May

June 10, 2019

Based on reported import licenses, US flat steel products imports fell 19.0% from 749,000 short tons in April to 607,000 tons in May. Import licenses indicate imports dropping for all product categories in May, but the highest volume decline comes from hot roll imports due to lower licenses from South Korea, Japan, and Canada. Based […]

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China crude steel production rises 12.7% on April 2018 to 85.0Mt

May 29, 2019

Worldsteel reported crude steel production in China at 85.0 million metric tonnes in April, 12.7% higher than in April 2018. Chinese output over the first four months of 2019 was 10.3% higher than in the same period last year. China’s General Administration of Customs reported Chinese net finished steel exports (exports minus imports) in April […]

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US long products import licenses in April decline 37% on last year

May 21, 2019

Based on reported import licenses, US long steel products imports fell 37% from 427,000 short tons in April 2018 to 270,000 in April 2019. The drop was mainly due to lower rebar and parallel flange sections imports. However, wire rod import licenses in April 2019 were 38% higher than April 2018 imports, offsetting declines in […]

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US flat steel products imports rise 8% in March and 4% in April

May 8, 2019

Based on reported import licenses, US flat steel products imports rose 8% from 622,000 short tons in February to 671,000 tons in March. Compared to March import licenses, April licenses rose 4% to 696,000 tons, mainly due to higher hot roll licenses from Japan and higher cut plate licenses from South Korea. Based on January/February […]

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China crude steel production rises 10% in March to 80.3M tonnes

May 2, 2019

Worldsteel reported crude steel production in China at 80.3 million metric tonnes in March, 10.0% higher than in March 2018. Chinese output over the first three months of 2019 was 9.5% higher than in the same period last year. China’s General Administration of Customs reported Chinese net finished steel exports (exports minus imports) in March […]

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