Posts tagged as:

hot dip galvanized

US flat products imports up 14% in July

August 12, 2012

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 14% from 708,000 short tons in June to 810,000 tons in July. In comparison, July flat products imports in 2011 were 830,000 tons, in 2010 600,000 tons, and in 2009 291,000 tons. An increase in hot roll and hot dip galvanized imports drove the overall […]

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US flat products imports fall 10% in June

July 12, 2012

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports fell 10% from 791,000 short tons in May to 709,000 tons in June. In comparison, June flat products imports in 2011 were 734,000 tons, in 2010 526,000 tons, and in 2009 252,000 tons. Driving the lower imports were hot rolled and hot dip galvanized imports which […]

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US flat products imports rise 34% in April

May 14, 2012

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 34% from 660,000 short tons in March to 887,000 tons in April. This is the highest level of flat products imports since we started collecting data in September 2008. The climb was driven by a 75% or 207,000-ton rise in hot rolled imports, with significant […]

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US flat products imports decline 8% in March

April 15, 2012

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports fell 8% from 720,000 short tons in February to 663,000 tons in March. In comparison, March flat products imports in 2011 were 621,000 tons and in 2010 they were 640,000 tons. Hot rolled imports fell by 64,000 tons, mainly due to lower imports from Korea and […]

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US flat products imports up 2% in February

March 12, 2012

Based on reported import licenses and after a 31% rise in January, US flat products imports rose 2% from 705,000 short tons in January to 720,000 tons in February. In comparison, February flat products imports in 2011 were 440,000 tons and in 2010 they were 444,000 tons. While hot dip galvanized imports rose by 47,000 […]

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US flat products imports increase 31% in January

February 26, 2012

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 31% from 542,000 short tons in December to 708,000 tons in January. In comparison, January flat products imports in 2011 were 534,000 tons. Cut plate, hot rolled and and cold rolled imports each rose by just over 50,000 tons while hot dip galvanized imports rose […]

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