Posts tagged as:

hot dip galvanized

US flat steel products imports rise 13% in April

May 11, 2017

Based on reported import licenses, US flat steel products imports rose 13% from 816,000 short tons in March to 924,000 tons in April. Flat products imports for the first four months of 2017 were 4% lower than in the same period last year, with increases in hot dip galvanized (+26%) and cold rolled (+42%) imports, […]

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US flat steel products imports drop 15% in February

March 8, 2017

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports fell 15% from 878,000 short tons in January to 744,000 tons in February. Flat products imports in February 2016 were 860,000 tons and in February 2015 they were 1,254,000 tons. Imports of all flat products categories fell between January and February, though the largest declines came […]

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US flat steel products imports up 1% in January

February 8, 2017

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 1% from 835,000 short tons in December to 841,000 tons in January. Flat products imports in January 2016 were 997,000 tons and in January 2015 they were 1,499,000 tons. There was little change between December and January because hot rolled and hot dip galvanized imports […]

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US flat products imports drop 12% in December

January 11, 2017

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports fell 12% from 944,000 short tons in November to 832,000 tons in December. Flat products imports in December 2015 were 882,000 tons and in December 2014 they were 1,333,000 tons. Imports of flat products for the full year of 2016 were 18% lower than in 2015 […]

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US flat products imports down 2% in November

December 7, 2016

Based on reported import licenses, US flat product imports fell 2% from 949,000 short tons in October to 934,000 tons in November. Flat products imports in November 2015 were 843,000 tons and in November 2014 they were 1,329,000 tons. Imports of flat products for the first 11 months of 2016 were 19% lower than in […]

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US flat products imports increase 4% in October

November 9, 2016

Based on reported import licenses, US flat products imports rose 4% from 904,000 short tons in September to 943,000 tons in October. Flat products imports in October 2015 were 930,000 tons and in October 2014 they were 1,538,000 tons. Imports of flat products for the first ten months of 2016 were 21% lower than in […]

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