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China crude production 65.5 million tonnes in July

September 3, 2013

China crude steel production was 65.5 million metric tonnes in July, 6% higher than in July 2012. Year-to-July production was 454.6 million tonnes, 9% higher than year-to-July production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, July production was 1% higher than June production, but due to the longer month of July, average daily production in July was […]

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China crude production 64.7 million tonnes in June

July 30, 2013

China crude steel production was 64.7 million metric tonnes in June, 7% higher than in June 2012. Year-to-June production was 389.1 million tonnes, 9% higher than year-to-June production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, June production was 3.5% lower than May production, but due to the shorter month of June, average daily production in June was […]

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China crude production 67.0 million tonnes in May

June 25, 2013

China crude steel production was 67.0 million tonnes in May, 9.5% higher than in May 2012. Year-to-May production was 324.4 million tonnes, 9.6% higher than year-to-May production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, May production was 2.1% higher than April production, but due to the longer May month, average daily production in May was 1.2% lower. […]

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China crude production 65.7 million tonnes in April

May 30, 2013

China crude steel production was 65.7 million metric tonnes in April, 8.4% higher than in April 2013. Year-to-April production was 257 million tonnes, 10% higher than year-to-April production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, April production was 0.6 million tonnes lower than March production, but due to the shorter April month, average daily production in April […]

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China crude production 66 million tonnes in March

April 29, 2013

China crude steel production was 66.3 million metric tonnes in March, 8% higher than in March 2012. Year-to-date production was 191.7 million tonnes, 10% higher than year-to-March production in 2012. Comparing consecutive months, March production was 4.5 million tonnes higher than February production, but due to the shorter February month, average daily production in March […]

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China crude steel production 58 million tonnes in December & 709 million tonnes for 2012

February 7, 2013

China crude steel production was 57.7 million tonnes in December, 11% higher than in the same month last year. China’s full-year 2012 production was 708.8 million tonnes, which is 4% higher than 2011 output. Comparing consecutive months, December production was 0.2 million tonnes higher than November production, but due to the longer December month, average […]

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