From the category archives:


Nippon Steel plans 20 pct price hike – Nikkei – Reuters

February 25, 2011

Nippon Steel plans 20 pct price hike – NikkeiReutersFeb 25 (Reuters) – Nippon Steel Corp (5401.T) will ask auto makers and other major customers to accept a roughly 20000 yen ($242) a tonne price rise for steel products starting in April, the Nikkei bu…

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Olympic Steel announces Q4 and FY 2010 financial results – SteelGuru

February 24, 2011

Plain DealerOlympic Steel announces Q4 and FY 2010 financial resultsSteelGuruOlympic Steel Inc has announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31st 2010. Net sales for the fourth quarter of 2010 increased by 55.4% YoY…

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South Korea to slap AD duties on Japanese stainless steel plates – SteelGuru

February 24, 2011

South Korea to slap AD duties on Japanese stainless steel platesSteelGuruYonhap reported that South Korea has decided to slap anti dumping duties on Japanese stainless steel plates because they are sold at below market prices. The Korea Trade Commissio…

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Thailand Stocks: PTT Chemical, PTT Aromatics, Sahaviriya Steel – Bloomberg

February 24, 2011

Thailand Stocks: PTT Chemical, PTT Aromatics, Sahaviriya SteelBloombergSahaviriya Steel Industries Pcl (SSI TB), the country's biggest steelmaker, gained 1.6 percent to 1.3 baht. The company is considering a UK listing after agreeing to buy Tata St…

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Tata Steel in $469-m deal for Teeside plant with Thai co – Hindu Business Line

February 24, 2011

Tata Steel in $469-m deal for Teeside plant with Thai coHindu Business LineTwenty-two months after embarking on a search for a buyer for its steel plant in northeast England, and a year after being forced to partially mothball the plant, Tata Steel has…

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Port Authority Reports Increase In WTC Transit Hub Costs – NY1

February 24, 2011

NY1Port Authority Reports Increase In WTC Transit Hub CostsNY1Much of the increase is due to the price tag on the steel arches designed for the hub, which will cost more than $221 million. Construction officials say extra steel to protect against terro…

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